在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2011年3期《近代土地产权转移的新方式——以获鹿铁路购地为中心》
戴建兵, 顾雪静
河北师范大学, 河北 石家庄 050024
起止页码: 5--11页

New Way of Transfering Land Property Rights in Modern Times——Focusing on the Railway Land Purchase in Huailu County
DAI Jianbing, GU Xuejing
Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050024, China
The traditional folk land deal of private land and the modern way of the railway land transactions of private land took two different forms,the similarities lay in three aspects:both forms included signing a contract,contract tax and stamp tax payment and delivery.Differences reflected in the specific operation.In signing the contract,traditional land sale,in addition to the officially autorized deed,there were also the white deed stamped with a red official seal.In modern times,there occurred the new way that in signing the purchase contract for the railway purchased folk land,the seller signed to deliver the premium on a unified contract paper printed by the Railway Administration,On the part of stamp duty,due to various reasons,the Railway Administration had submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers of state-owned railway land with free income tax for five causes,so the railway land purchase was free of contract tax.Upon delivery,the two methods were necessary to clear off the payment,which suggested that only when the money was received by the land owner,the final transfer of property rights could be completed.Meanwhile,the purchase of railway land in the late Qing period was carried out with certain mandatory,less land dispute occured in the event,so that changes took place in Huailu County land transfer of property rights,thus promoting the comprehensive utilization of land.

收稿日期: 2011-03-21
