在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2022年3期《国家审计促进乡村高质量治理制度供给研究》
山西工程技术学院, 山西 阳泉 045000
起止页码: 53--56页

Research on Institutional Supply of National Audit to Promote Rural High-quality Governance
ZHANG Wen-xiu
Shanxi Institute of Technology, Yangquan, Shanxi 045000, China
With the strong support of national policies, the social economy of all regions has developed rapidly. However, from the perspective of institutional supply, there are still some deficiencies in rural governance. In this regard, China can promote the improvement of various systems, improve the level of rural governance, create favorable conditions for the further development of rural areas and promote the high-quality development of rural areas from the perspective of auditing. The exploration is focused on the theme of "national auditing to promote the supply of high-quality rural governance systems", aiming to find a reliable way to enhance the effect of rural governance, give full play to the value of national auditing, improve the rural governance system, and promote high-quality rural development.

收稿日期: 2022-01-22
基金项目: 河北省发改委2021年度“三农”领域研究课题《河北省推进乡村治理体系和治理能力现代化建设研究》(HBQH2021009)

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