在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2022年3期《文化翻译表现论下汪榕培《石钟山记》英译研究》
广西外国语学院, 广西 南宁 530222
起止页码: 45--48页

Study on Wang Rong-pei's English Translation of The Travel Notes of Shizhong Mount under the Performance of Cultural Translation
MA Ju-fang
Guangxi University of Foreign Languages, Nanning, Guangxi 530222, China
Su Shi is a famous writer in the Northern Song Dynasty. His poetry, ci poems, and landscape travel essays all have outstanding literary achievements. The author writes the most philosophical and the most emotional poetry with a detached aesthetic attitude, and integrates the landscape and Buddhist thoughts with the artistic techniques of combining emotion with the scenery. Through the research and analysis of the English translation of The Travel Notes of Shizhong Mount translated by Wang Rong-pei, combined with the characteristics of the words and sentence patterns in The Travel Notes of Shizhong Mount, the study considers the Chinese-English translation method, and explores the translation strategy of "going out" of Chinese classical literature.

收稿日期: 2021-12-08
基金项目: 2021年度广西民办教育科学规划项目《广西旅游景点外宣翻译现状及策略分析——以玉林市人文景观为例》(2021MBZX15)

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