在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2022年3期《中国人民抗日军事政治大学的互动式教学——以山东抗大一分校为例》
刘林凤, 陈洪友
曲阜师范大学 马克思主义学院, 山东 曲阜 273165
起止页码: 7--12页
中国人民抗日军事政治大学第一分校为山东抗日根据地培养了近20 000名优秀干部,是山东锻炼钢铁干部的熔炉。山东抗日根据地严峻复杂的斗争形势是对第一分校军政教育的挑战,也为其提供了互动式教学的环境。以山东抗日战场为教育环境的教职学员之间的互动、学员的自我互动、教职学员与环境的互动是第一分校在山东办学期间互动式教学的主要方式。第一分校互动式教学的成功经验对当前高校人才培养有重要的借鉴意义。

Interactive Teaching in the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Military and Political University——The Case of the First Branch of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Military and Political University in Shandong
LIU Lin-feng, CHEN Hong-you
School of Marxism, Qufu Normal University, Qufu, Shandong 273165, China
The First Branch of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese Military and Political University in Shandong is a furnace of talents, which has trained nearly 20, 000 outstanding cadres for the Shandong anti-Japanese base area. The sharp and complex struggle in Shandong anti-Japanese base area is a challenge of military and political education of the First Branch School, which also provides for an interactive teaching environment. The interaction between teachers and students, the self-interaction of students and the interaction between teaching students and the environment with Shandong Anti-Japanese battlefield are the main ways of interactive teaching during the First Branch School running in Shandong. Its successful experience of interactive teaching is of significant reference for the current university talent training.

收稿日期: 2021-12-16
基金项目: 国家社科基金高校思政课专项项目《中国人民抗日军政大学思政课建设及其当代启示研究》(20VSZ082)
