陈光辉, 刘壮, 刘瑶
河北对外经贸职业学院, 河北 秦皇岛 066311
起止页码: 52--54页
Study on the Continuity of the Education Mechanism of Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities
CHEN Guang-hui, LIU Zhuang, LIU Yao
Hebei Institute of International Business and Economics, Qinhuangdao, Hebei 066311, China
Based on the fact that the ideological and political work in colleges and universities is a complex systematic project, the Party and the Sate propose to strengthen the construction of the ideological and political work system in colleges and universities, and promote the education of all employees, the whole process of education, and the all-round education. Exploring a new education mechanism, making ideological and political workers consistent in organization, thinking, and action, forming a new pattern of mutual cooperation and mutual promotion, internal connection and overall unity, which will help improve the quality of ideological and political work in colleges and universities.
收稿日期: 2021-11-13
基金项目: 教育部高校思想政治工作队伍培训研修中心(河北师范大学)2020年度专项研究项目《党建统领高校思政工作队伍融合机制建设研究》(2020 HZY 018)
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