在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2022年2期《微信支持下成人学位英语移动学习模式研究——以北京开放大学大兴分校为例》
薛长娟, 陈晖
北京开放大学 大兴分校, 北京 102600
起止页码: 32--36页

An Empirical Study on the Mobile Learning Model of Adult Degree English Based on WeChat——The Case of Daxing Branch of Beijing Open University
XUE Chang-juan, CHEN Hui
Daxing Branch, Beijing Open University, Beijing 102600, China
In the era of mobile Internet, WeChat and the communication attributes of foreign languages are naturally compatible. The reality of adult learners’ work-study contradictions often requires “fragmented” learning, and the mobile learning mode can meet their needs. The adult degree English mobile learning model supported by WeChat, starting from the feasibility of WeChat teaching, determines the teaching principles, builds a platform framework, develops learning resources, and conducts targeted empirical research. This model can improve adult students’ learning autonomy and reduce their cognitive load. The integrated resources improve the learner’s learning efficiency, and the scientific assessment enhances the learner’s consciousness and the learning effect.

收稿日期: 2021-12-9
基金项目: 国家开放大学总部2018年度规划重点课题《移动学习派(pad)在公共英语教学中的应用研究》(G 18 A 0002 Z)

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