在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年6期《冬奥背景下河北冰雪体育旅游的营销策略研究》
河北传媒学院 电子竞技教研室, 河北 石家庄 051430
起止页码: 97--101页

Research on Marketing Strategy of Hebei Ice Sports Tourism under the Background of Winter Olympics
YU Wei
E-Sports Teaching and Research Office, Hebei Institute of Communications, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 051430, China
The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics will have a positive significance for the development of ice and snow sports tourism in Hebei Province, which will promote the construction of infrastructure, the growth of the tourism economy and the improvement of the service industry in Hebei Province. Through the literature method, survey method, and SWOT analysis method, the study explores the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of the development of Hebei Province’s ice and snow sports tourism resources under the background of the 2022 Winter Olympics, and constructs a SWOT model. Based on the 4P theory of marketing, it proposes a diversified marketing strategy for product quality, pricing rationalization, channel networking, and promotion for the development of ice and snow sports tourism in Hebei Province.

收稿日期: 2021-08-16
基金项目: 2021年度河北省体育科技研究项目课题《2022年冬奥会背景下河北省冰雪体育旅游市场营销策略研究》(20215002)

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