在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年6期《以先锋之名再度行于乡野——20世纪90年代以来乡土小说中“先锋叙事”的转型》
盐城师范学院 文学院, 江苏 盐城 224002
起止页码: 62--68页

Walking in the Countryside Again in the Name of Pioneer——The Transformation of “Pioneer Narrative” in Local Novels since the 1990s
ZHOU Yin-yin
School of Chinese Language and Literature, Yancheng Normal University, Yancheng, Jiangsu 224002, China
Since the 1990s, local novels with pioneer narrative have attracted a great deal of attention. Compared with that of 1980s, the pioneer narrative has transferred in narrating focus, aesthetic style and spiritual dimensions. Writers are not obsessed with pioneering technique experiments or just discussing abstract themes such as the absurdity of human existence. They focus on the rural land, exploring the historical landscape and real world of Chinese rural society through absurd and deformed art, with the spirit of “standing on the ground”. Pioneering techniques present a complex and diversified trend in the inheritance and transformation of the 1980s. Through the exploration of perspective, time, space, and language, it reflects the writer’s new thinking on “pioneer and tradition” and “absurdity and reality”, which shows their dissolution of grand narratives and their enthusiasm for “unreliable” narratives. Among them, the pioneering techniques of the Eastern style have emerged one after another, highlighting the “Chinese meteorology” and “national spirit”. Different from the desperate atmosphere that permeated in the 1980s, the pioneer local novels in the post-1990s also contained the writer’s passion for participating in the construction of rural history and intervening in the current reality in the doubts, illuminating the ambition of making suggestions for rural revitalization. In short, with the aesthetic breakthrough of “adventure” and “grounding”, they created an alternative rural Chinese image and opened up new territory in the literary homeland.

收稿日期: 2021-07-16
基金项目: 江苏省社会科学基金项目《新世纪“介入现实主义”小说研究》(18ZWC007)
