在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年6期《开放教育法治化保障研究》
敖颜思文, 崔乃鹏, 陈思远
国家开放大学, 北京 100039
起止页码: 43--47页

Research on the Legalization Guarantee of Open Education
AO Yan-siwen, CUI Nai-peng, CHEN Si-yuan
The Open University of China, Beijing 100039, China
The Comprehensive Reform Plan of the Open University of China in 2020 clearly pointed out the problems of unclear positioning, unsound system, and low quality of the National Open University. With the continuous changes in talent demand, policy orientation and the level of information technology, the existing low-level and fragmented legislative system of open education, as an important part of modern distance education, is obviously difficult to meet the needs of transformation and development. It also runs counter to the development goal of “building an education system that serves lifelong learning for all people”. From the perspective of text analysis and context analysis, it is particularly important to cut into policy research, sort out and analyze the deficiencies of existing open education policies and regulations, and improve the rule of law in open education. It is recommended to clarify the basic concepts related to open education, clarify the legal positioning of open education, and build a legal protection path for open education that adapts to the development trend of “Internet +” education. It is recommended that the National Open University Constitution be formulated as soon as possible to provide examples for special legislation in the field of open education, so as to promote the high-quality development of open universities.

收稿日期: 2021-08-19
