在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年6期《商务英语专业与课程思政融合研究——以开放教育“高级商务英语阅读”课程为例》
国家开放大学 外语教学部, 北京 100039
起止页码: 34--38页

Research on the Integration of Business English Major to “Curriculum Ideological and Political Education” in the New Era——Taking “Advanced Readings in Business English” Course in the Open Education as an Example
HU Lan-xi
Faculty of Foreign Languages, The Open University of China, Beijing 100039, China
In the context of the new era, the implementation of “curriculum ideological and political education” teaching reform in Chinese colleges and universities has become an inevitable trend, and it is also an important way to implement the fundamental task of “cultivating talents with moral integrity”.Open education is different from ordinary and adult higher education. At present, “curriculum ideological and political education” in business English major in open education needs to be strengthened. How to integrate ideals, beliefs, the spirit of the times and socialist core values into the knowledge learning of English major in open education is still an issue that needs to be further discussed. As the core course of business English major in open education, “Advanced Business English Reading” course needs to integrate ideological and political education according to the content of the course, so as to meet the requirements of talent training in the new era and provide reference for the implementation of “curriculum ideological and political education” for business English major courses.

收稿日期: 2021-07-20
