在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年6期《解放战争时期国民政府的税收政策——以天津为例》
天津博物馆 历史研究部, 天津 300201
起止页码: 13--18页

The Tax Policy of the National Government during the War of Liberation——A Case Study of Tianjin
SU Peng-peng
History Research Department, Tianjin Museum, Tianjin 300201, China
After the end of Anti-Japanese War, the National Government did not promptly change the chaotic situation of taxation during the Japanese and puppet rule. After the full-scale civil war broke out, in order to cope with the huge consumption of the civil war, the National Government was unable to respond to the demands of the industrial and commercial circles to rectify taxes and lower the tax rate. It increased taxes in disguise and raised the tax rate, which intensified the dissatisfaction of the industrial and commercial circles. On the issue of taxation, the contradiction between the business community and the government has gradually become prominent. Because of the continuous defeat of the war and the deepening of the economic crisis, the National Government could only maintain its own operations by levying various taxes and accelerating its own failure.

收稿日期: 2021-07-10
