在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年6期《1928年国民政府设立北平特别市的历史考察》
河北科技大学 马克思主义学院, 河北 石家庄 050018
起止页码: 7--12页

A Historical Investigation of the Establishment of the Peiping Special Municipality by the National Government in 1928
PAN Ming
School of Marxism, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050018, China
The establishment of the Peiping Special Municipality in 1928 changed the mode of direct management of the capital city by the central government since the end of the Qing Dynasty, and Beijing became an independent urban administrative district. After the establishment of the city, Beijing got rid of the previous divisional management model, and established the Peiping Municipal Government, which governs various administrative affairs of the city, laying an important foundation for the formation of contemporary Beijing’s urban management system. However, in the process of establishing a city, the two major groups Feng Yu-xiang and Yan Xi-shan and the Nanjing government had repeated games around the choice of the city system model, essentially fighting for the control of Beijing after the Northern Expedition. The subsequent establishment of the Peiping Special Municipality was actually the result of a political compromise reached by the parties concerned. After the establishment of the Peiping Special Municipality, although the municipal unity was realized in form, it was difficult to show a new atmosphere due to the limitations of the political ecology of North China at that time.

收稿日期: 2021-07-16
基金项目: 2016年河北省社会科学基金项目《清代以来京津冀地区行政区划研究(1669—2015)》(HB16LS016)
