中共河北省委党校 河北行政学院, 河北 石家庄 100031
起止页码: 89--93页
Resolving the Problem of "Two Skins" and Promoting the Deep Integration of the Party Building and Business Work——Taking Hebei Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security as an Example
Party School of Hebei Provincial Committee of the CPC, Hebei Institute of Administration, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 100031, China
Solving the "two skins" problem of Party building and business work and promoting the integration of Party building and business work is an important issue that must be seriously studied and solved in the new era. It is not only a theoretical project, but also a practical project to objectively analyze the manifestations and causes of "two skins", summarize successful experiences, extract effective methods from the perspective of combining theory and practice, innovate work measures, explore and improve a complete set of systems such as education and learning, work linkage, leadership and incentives, supervision and inspection, assessment and evaluation, and cadre selection and appointment that solve the "two skins" phenomenon of Party building and business work, and build a long-term mechanism of deep integration of Party building and business work. It is necessary to identify the convergence point between Party building and business work in the new era, and promote the further in-depth integration and coordinated development of Party building and business work.
收稿日期: 2021-09-23
基金项目: 2021年河北省人力资源社会保障研究科研合作项目重点课题《破解机关党建与业务工作“两张皮”问题研究》(JRSHZ-2021-01015)