在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2022年1期《石家庄科普能力提升与产业格局构建研究》
石家庄职业技术学院 继续教育学院, 河北 石家庄 050081
起止页码: 60--63页
针对石家庄市委、市政府提出构建“ 4+4”现代产业格局的战略决策,应切实提升全市科普能力,发挥好科普的社会职能,从而真正促发石家庄的全社会创新潜力,促进现代产业格局的形成。为了解石家庄科普现状,应具体研究科普组织、科普对象满意度、科普政策、科普成效四要素在以创新驱动为导向的结构关系模型中的具体作用和相互影响力,进而明确科普能力提升对于以创新为驱动的“ 4+4”现代产业格局构建的影响,并从科学角度提出建设性对策。

Research on the Improvement of Science Popularization Ability and the Construction of Industrial Structure in Shijiazhuang
CHEN Liang
College of Continuing Education, Shijiazhuang University of Applied Technology, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050081, China
Shijiazhuang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government put forward the strategic decision of building a "4 + 4" modern industrial pattern. Only by effectively improving the city's science popularization ability can we give better play to the social function of science popularization, so as to truly promote the innovation potential of the whole society in Shijiazhuang and promote the formation of a modern industrial pattern. In order to understand the current situation of science popularization in Shijiazhuang, we should specifically study the specific role and mutual influence of the four elements of science popularization organization, science popularization object satisfaction, science popularization policy and science popularization effect in the innovation driven structural relationship model, and then clarify the impact of the improvement of science popularization ability on the construction of "4 + 4" modern industrial pattern driven by innovation, and put forward constructive countermeasures from a scientific point of view.

收稿日期: 2021-10-15
