在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2022年1期《开放大学的非学历教育创新发展论》
赵朝峰, 张亚斌
北京开放大学 首都终身教育研究基地, 北京 100081
起止页码: 21--27页

On the Innovative Development of Non-academic Education in the Open University
ZHAO Chao-feng, ZHANG Ya-bin
Capital Lifelong Education Research Base, The Open University of Beijing, Beijing 100081, China
The practice and exploration of the open university in China reveals that the innovative development of non-academic education is the product promoted by the dynamic development mechanism of the "three needs" of the construction of a learning city, the lifelong learning desire of contemporary people and its own development of the open university. Its innovative development should be explored along the three innovative development orientations of school running organization, cultivation model and project operation. Its current challenges are to break through the development cultural bottleneck of the four structures of mode, system, brand and management, and realize the rapid development of supply side and demand side driven by the "triple helix model" of the university, industry and the government.

收稿日期: 2021-10-02
基金项目: 首都终身教育研究基地2019年度重点课题《学习型城市建设背景下终身教育体制机制创新研究》(2019SKJDZ001)
