在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2022年1期《解放太原期间中共对敌统战工作研究》
杨建崇, 刘晓婷
太原科技大学, 山西 太原 030024
起止页码: 11--15页

A Study of the CPC's United Front Work against the Enemy during the Period of the Liberation of Taiyuan
YANG Jian-chong, LIU Xiao-ting
Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030024, China
The liberation campaign of Taiyuan was a decisive battle in which the Communist Party of China led the people's army to surround and wipe out the reactionary group of Yan Xi-shan in the Shanxi battlefield. The successful liberation of Taiyuan marked the complete liberation of the entire North China region. During the period of the liberation of Taiyuan, the CPC carried out a campaign of propaganda, winning over senior generals of the Yan Army to surrender, and deeply mobilizing underground workers and other united front work against the enemy. Under the in-depth, extensive and effective united front work of the CPC, the fighting will of the Yan army was disintegrated, and a large number of troops surrendered with uprising to the People's Liberation Army, which made great contributions to the successful liberation of Taiyuan.

收稿日期: 2021-09-30
基金项目: 2021年山西省教育科学“十四五”规划专项课题《从武乡到南平:南下干部适应性研究》(SZ-2113)
