在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年5期《广播组织权的理念重构——兼评“信号说”与“节目说”》
华东政法大学 法律硕士教育中心, 上海 200042
起止页码: 100--104页

On Reconstruction of the Concept on the Right of Broadcasting Organization——A Comment on “Signal-based Approach” and “Program-based Approach”
SUN Hao-xiang
Juris Master Education Center, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 200042, China
The definition of the object of broadcasting organization’s right is contentious, which can be mainly categorized as a dispute between “signal-based approach” and “program-based approach”. The “signal” refers to the carrier produced by the broadcasting organization after processing, while the “program” refers to the improved version processed by the broadcasting organization with a lower degree of originality, rather than the author’s work. Based on legal interpretation, the Rome Convention favors the “program-based approach”, but this expression does not correspond to the signal doctrine. In recent years, in meetings hosted by WIPO, countries have gradually reached a consensus on “signal-based”, but when the object of broadcasting organization rights changes from program flow to signal, it loses the legitimacy of falling into the protection of neighboring rights. It should be clarified theoretically that the connotation of the right of broadcasting organization is the “program theory”, and the legal benefits pointed to by the “signal theory” should be protected by the anti-unfair competition law.

收稿日期: 2021-04-08

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