在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年5期《“一带一路”背景下区域开放大学转型发展研究》
沈阳开放大学, 辽宁 沈阳 110003
起止页码: 40--44页

Research on the Transformation and Development Strategy of Regional Open Universities in the Environment of “Belt and Road”
Shenyang Open University, Shenyang, Liaoning 110003, Chin
The grand strategy of “Belt and Road” has brought new challenges and opportunities to the development of the National Open University, especially the Regional Open University, the education object expands from the domestic student source to the international student source, undertakes the task to expand from the local training to the cross-border talent training and the exchange of educational programs. According to the theories related to the internationalization of higher education, regional open universities should promote the transformation of the orientation of running a school from a single degree education to a balanced cultural exchange, promote the transformation of the management mechanism to a combination of modernization and international governance, promote the transformation of services towards a combination of locality and internationality, guide all teaching and administrative staff to identify with the direction of transformation and development, build an education service platform for administrative schools and enterprises, an international curriculum learning platform and an international teacher training platform, promote multilingual and multicultural exchanges and personnel training, raise the level of hybrid teaching reform, improve the education and teaching capacity of teachers, and develop a high-quality credit bank service system that caters to international students, so as to promote international standard accreditation and training, and develop a modern and international governance mechanism for open universities.

收稿日期: 2021-06-10
基金项目: 沈阳开放大学2021年校本科研规划课题《沈阳开放大学服务社区教育的发展策略研究》(SYKDXB 2021-3-01)

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