在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年5期《战争环境下的农业灾害:河北解放区的蝗灾》
首都师范大学 历史学院, 北京 100089
起止页码: 13--18页
抗日战争胜利后,河北解放区面临着恢复生产、重建家园的重要任务,但由于河北省的地形、气候等自然条件以及解放战争时期战火连绵的社会因素, 1945年至1949年间蝗虫灾害连年大范围发生,灾情严重,导致大量农作物被毁,农业生产损失严重;蝗患难以彻底根除,打击了群众灭蝗的积极性,摧毁了基层群众的心理防线,导致农村的迷信行为以及对飞蝗的恐慌等社会问题。战争环境下的灾害,在其特殊背景下,往往会加重灾害对社会的伤害程度,灾害造成的损失会增加,产生的影响更会成倍放大。如何有效地治理蝗灾成为考验政府应对灾害能力的重要衡量标准,同时也是体现组织者社会动员和组织应对能力的重要方面。

Agricultural Disasters in the War Environment: Locust Plagues and Impacts in the Liberated Areas of Hebei
SHAO Hong-mei
History College, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100089, China
After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Hebei liberated areas faced the important task of restoring production and rebuilding their homes. However, due to the natural conditions such as Hebei Province’s topography, climate and social factors during the war of liberation, locust disasters occurred on a large scale from 1945 to 1949. The disaster was serious, leading to the destruction of a large number of crops and serious losses in agricultural production; the locust plague was difficult to completely eradicate, which undermined the enthusiasm of the masses to eradicate locusts, destroyed the psychological defense of the grassroots masses, and led to some social problems of superstitious behavior in rural locust hunting and panic against migratory locusts. Disasters in a war environment, under their special background, often aggravate the damage to society caused by disasters, the losses will increase, and the impact will be multiplied. How to effectively control the locust plague has become an important measure to test the government’s ability to respond to disasters, and it is also an important aspect that reflects the organizers’ social mobilization and organizational response capabilities.

收稿日期: 2021-04-22
基金项目: 首都师范大学历史学院研究生科研立项课题《1940年代后期京津冀地区蝗灾及社会应对研究》(2020 LS 07)
