在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年4期《制约科研人员创新活力的外生性压力构成分析》
河北广播电视大学, 河北 石家庄 050080
起止页码: 101--104页

Analysis of the Exogenous Pressure Restricting the Innovation Vitality of Scientific Researchers
LIU Fu-xia
Hebei Radio & TV University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050080, China
There are exogenous pressures restricting the innovation vitality of scientific researchers, such as ineffective implementation of scientific research policy, talent chain break, unscientific evaluation system of scientific research, rigid system of scientific research management, obstacles of language, the rigidity of humanistic environment, which leads to many problems such as research burnout, "oneself research", passive scientific research, academic impetuousness, and the disconnection between research content and practical application and many other issues. In order to alleviate the exogenous pressure of scientific research personnel, suggestions are made for improvement from promoting the function transformation of "scientific research management" to "scientific research service", strengthening business training, building a good humanistic environment, giving full play to the function of the talent ecological chain, and adhering to problem-oriented action research.

收稿日期: 2021-03-18
基金项目: 河北广播电视大学2020年度科学研究基金项目《成人高校互利共进的科研生态环境建设及路径研究》(WT 202014)

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