在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年4期《城市形象对外传播中的符号叙事研究——以宣传片《活力天津 走向世界》为例》
城市形象对外传播中的符号叙事研究——以宣传片《活力天津 走向世界》为例
天津商业大学 外国语学院, 天津 300134
起止页码: 89--94页

A study on Symbolic Narration in External Communication of City Image——Taking the Publicity Film Dynamic Tianjin Going Global as an Example
GUO Jin-ying
School of Foreign Languages, Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin 300134, China
As a form of media to tell stories and spread voice, the publicity film has a direct impact on the audience's cognition with its multi-symbol characteristics of both graphic and visual, and is an important carrier for the external communication of the city image. As an information communicator, the publicity film Dynamic Tianjin Going Global in the provincial global publicity activity initiated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to tell the story of vitality and openness of Tianjin in economy, culture, and environment in a nonlinear narrative sequence and multidimensional wonders of space narrative through images, text, sound and color. It plays a positive role in helping the audience understand Tianjin in China and in the world.

收稿日期: 2021-03-15

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