在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年4期《运用新媒体开展高校教师思想政治工作探析》
河北经贸大学, 河北 石家庄 050061
起止页码: 77--80页

An Analysis of Using New Media to Carry out Ideological and Political Work for College Teachers
LIU Li-qing
Hebei University of Economics and Business, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050061, China
Strengthening ideological and political work is a characteristic and advantage of China's socialist universities, which is determined by the socialist nature of China's higher education. As China's economic and social development enters a new era, on the one hand, the Party and the government attach great importance to the ideological and political work of colleges and universities, and put forward new requirements for the ideological and political work of college teachers. On the other hand, there are still many urgent problems in the ideological and political work of college teachers, it is faced with many new situations and new challenges that come with the new era. The new era is also the era of new media. Using new media to carry out ideological and political work for college teachers not only needs to strengthen the top-level design, but also needs to strengthen the consciousness of using new media thinking to carry out ideological and political work. In addition, they must comprehensively investigate and understand teachers' use of new media, strengthen relevant technical training, and integrate new media features in order to do well in the construction of ideological and political work.

收稿日期: 2021-04-02

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