在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年4期《互联网金融平台刑法规制的挑战与路径》
戴滢, 吴珈伊
华东政法大学 刑事法学院, 上海 200050
起止页码: 73--76页

Challenges and Paths of Criminal Law Regulation of Internet Financial Platforms
DAI Ying, WU Jia-yi
School of Criminal Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 200050, China
In today's rapidly developing Internet era, Internet finance has also formed a certain degree of impact on the business of banking and financial institutions. However, the current criminal law in the process of regulating the Internet finance industry is faced with difficulties in charge identification, boundary judgment error, the influence of inertia thinking and other problems. In order to achieve criminal legislation restraint and judicial prudence, it is necessary to grasp the limits and modesty of criminal regulations and protect the innovation of the Internet finance industry. In order to make reasonable use of criminal law to regulate the Internet financial platform, the relevant charges of criminal law can be flexibly implemented in the field of Internet finance, and the dynamic connection between market adjustment and criminal law protection of Internet financial market can be strengthened, so that China's criminal law and administrative regulations can better adapt to the changes of the Internet financial market.

收稿日期: 2021-03-16
基金项目: 华东政法大学2020年研究生创新能力培养专项资金项目《互联网金融的失范现象及其刑法规制研究》(2020-4-077)

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