在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年4期《《诗品》“直寻”“滋味”说背景下的陶诗评价》
山东大学 文学院, 山东 济南 250100
起止页码: 57--62页
关键词: 直寻 滋味 辞彩 真意

Evaluation of Tao's Poetry in the Background of the Theory of “Straight Searching” and “Taste” in Shi Pin
School of Literature, Shandong University, Ji, nan, Shandong 250100, China
Zhong Rong's "taste" and "taste beyond taste" are not the same concept. Sikong Tu said that "taste is beyond the sour and salty". There is an endless taste beyond the sour and salty, but the sour and salty itself is also the taste, and it is more direct and has stronger taste stimulation. This kind of strong and distinct "sour and salty taste" and Zhong Rong's five-character poems of "pointing out the shape, writing about things, and writing things in detail," are of the same quality. The "taste" mentioned in Shi Pin is this kind of work that can give people a clearer emotional appeal. The most praised artistic feature of Tao Yuan-ming's poems lies in the "true meaning", which lies in the profound philosophical thinking and the most beautiful situation in the calm and dilute language. The dilute artistic style, the aesthetic characteristic of poetry that "rises" to the next level, in Zhong Rong's case, is indeed not taken seriously.

收稿日期: 2021-03-06

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