在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年4期《超越千年的历史文化宿命——贾平凹小说《山本》的道德文化批评》
北京开放大学 人文社会科学学院, 北京 100081
起止页码: 44--51页

The Fate of History and Culture beyond Thousands of Years——Moral and Cultural Criticism of Jia Ping-wa's Novel Shanben
ZHANG Ya-bin
School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Beijing Open University, Beijing 100081, China
The Chinese nation is a nation that attaches great importance to moral construction, but in the long years, it has often experienced tragic conditions of moral decline, social turmoil, and slaughter of life. In order to describe such an embarrassing artistic experience, Shanben uses cultural restoration to find the true cultural reasons why the Chinese nation has fallen into a sad historical situation:The first is the fieldwork of anthropological culture from seeking roots to seeking dreams, creating a cultural lament that is intertwined with social tragedies and cultural tragedies; the second is the theoretical analysis of cultural anthropology from mountain nature to humanism, presenting the historical reality of cultural contradictions of natural ecology and social ecology; the third is the rational criticism of cultural anthropology from evil to good, revealing the cultural reasons for the divergence of vile humanity and noble humanity; the fourth is the construction of cultural anthropology from mind to morality, which realizes the comprehensive cultural transcendence of artistic spirit and national spirit. It tells us that only by facing up to the bloody reality brought about by the total moral failure of the Qinling people, can the Chinese nation be awakened to rebuild the defense line of moral civilization, and finally break through the periodic law of history and surpass the cultural fate of national suffering for thousands of years.

收稿日期: 2021-03-13

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