在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年3期《论思政课程与课程思政协同育人的推进策略》
白乾景, 任燕红
太原广播电视大学, 山西 太原 030024
起止页码: 86--89页

On the Promoting Strategies of Collaborative Education of Ideological and Political Courses and the Ideological and Political Curriculum
BAI Qian-jing, REN Yan-hong
Taiyuan Radio & TV University, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030024, China
In the era of education information, the key to strengthening ideological and political education in colleges and universities is to handle the relationship between ideological and political courses and ideological and political curriculum, and to play the strongest voice of collaborative education. Collaborative education of ideological and political courses and ideological and political curriculum is an inevitable choice for colleges and universities to shoulder the mission of cultivating people with moral integrity. It is an inevitable requirement for establishing a student-centered education concept and the only way to build an ideological and political pattern of three comprehensive education. However, the collaborative education of ideological and political courses and ideological and political curriculum has fallen into the bottleneck of "difficult entry point" at the theoretical level, and is restricted by the "weak hard power" at the practical level. Effective promotion of the collaboration education of ideological and political courses and ideological and political curriculum must start from three aspects: integrating ideological and political elements and professional characteristics to find the right entry point; combining ideological and political teachers and professional teachers to form a community; linkage system support and material guarantee to create the general environment.

收稿日期: 2021-02-19
基金项目: 西南大学教师教学改革项目《基于教师发展理论的高校思政教师教学能力提升策略研究》(SWFZ 20170007)

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