在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年2期《浅析白洋淀水区村庄的历史与现实价值》
庞凤芝1, 彭秀良2
1. 河北民族师范学院 历史文化学院, 河北 承德 067000;
2. 衡水学院 社会工作研究中心, 河北 衡水 053000
起止页码: 96--99页

Analysis on the Historical and Realistic Value of Villages in Baiyangdian Water Area
PANG Feng-zhi1, PENG Xiu-liang2
1. Department of History and Culture, Hebei Normal University for Nationalities, Chengde, Hebei 067000;
2. Social Work Research Center, Hengshui University, Hengshui, Hebei 053000, China
The villages of water area in Baiyangdian can be divided into two types: pure water area villages and half-water area villages. The villages in Baiyangdian water area have unique historical value and realistic value. The basis for making this judgment is not only related to the physical and human geographical environment of Baiyangdian, but also related to the historical heritage of Baiyangdian culture, and more importantly, related to the guiding ideology of planning and construction of Xiongan New Area.The study on the historical evolution and architectural form of the village in Baiyangdian area is of great reference significance for the urban planning of Xiongan New Area in the future.

收稿日期: 2020-12-27
基金项目: 2018年度河北省文化艺术科学规划项目《雄安新区历史文化资源调查与研究》(HB18-YB088)

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