国家开放大学 实验学院, 北京 100039
起止页码: 74--76页
Issues Needing Attention in Popularizing Teaching Reform Experience in Education Administration
YANG Yu-ming
Experimental College, The Open University of China, Beijing 100039, China
The promotion of teaching reform experience is an issue of educational practice that has attracted much attention. The education administration department is one of the main implementers of teaching reform experience promotion. Educational administration should promote teaching reform experience based on the development of students, respect the basic laws of education and teaching, correct policy motives, and avoid departing from the original intention. Before expanding the teaching reform experience in a large area, we should thoroughly study the local teaching practice and carry out scientific demonstration to prevent reform from advancing rashly. Teaching reform involves multiple subjects, and the education administration should work with schools, teachers, parents and other subjects to build consensus on reform and form a joint force. The teaching reform relies on the reform and improvement of the entire education system and requires continued support from many parties.
收稿日期: 2021-01-14
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