在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年2期《观摩会:近代学堂教育的空间互动与公共呈现》
刘周颖, 徐霞
河北大学 历史学院, 河北 保定 071002
起止页码: 18--24页

Demonstrative Meeting: Space Interaction and Public Presentation of Modern School Education
LIU Zhou-ying, XV Xia
School of History, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, China
The emergence of new education in modern times has gradually replaced private schools as an important form of school education. In the process of private school improvement, holding demonstrative meetings has become an effective reform method, and with its good interactive effects and various forms of holding, it has effectively promoted the attempt and development of school education. Modern emerging media has provided a public space for text presentation and discussion for the viewing session, and the education space has been expanded and extended, thus initially realizing the modernization of education. However, due to the influence of the current situation, social economy and implementation factors, it itself inevitably has certain limitations.

收稿日期: 2020-12-13
基金项目: 河北大学研究生创新资助项目《观摩会:民国时期中小学教育状况的公共呈现研究》(hbu2019ss053)
