在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年1期《两次大战期间美国战略轰炸指导思想的演变》
北京师范大学 历史学院, 北京 100875
起止页码: 90--95页

The Evolution of the Guiding Doctrine of American Strategic Bombing during the Two World Wars
SHI Fei-fan
School of History, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
The military strategic bombing doctrine of the United States originated during the World War I. It developed in three phases until the end of the World War II:During the first phase, the U.S. military summarized the bombing effects and experience of the allied forces and itself, regarding that indiscriminate bombing was not an effective method, and that war industries, railroad lines, troops in the field should be accurately bombed. When the second phase (the 1930s) came, the officers in the Air Corps Tactical School (ACTS) succeeded the experience of the previous phase and developed it, assuming that the accurate bombing on transportation facilities, plants, sources of energy and raw materials could not only crack enemies but also avoid the moral condemnation. This doctrine developed into a fixed strategy by higher officers. The third phase (during the World War II) is the practical phase, in which the U.S. military bowed to the pressure from the need of quick victory and deviated from the doctrine, resulting in the large-scale deaths and casualties of the civilians.

收稿日期: 2020-11-11

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