在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年1期《习近平关于美育的重要论述:生成、要义及特征》
中国教育科学研究院 教育理论研究所, 北京 100088
起止页码: 79--85页

Xi Jin-ping's Important Exposition on Aesthetic Education: Formation, Essentials and Features
LI Yang
The Research Center for Educational Theories, National Institute of Education Sciences, Beijing 100088, China
Through inheriting and developing Marxist thought, the theoretical thoughts of the Chinese Communists in previous generations, and the excellent traditional Chinese culture, studying and thinking about the current world development situation, China's actual national conditions and the current situation of education development, General Secretary Xi Jin- ping has formed important expositions on aesthetic education. These expositions contain the core ideas that guide the aesthetic education of schools in the new era, which includes that persisting in the virtue pursuit and talent cultivation is the fundamental purpose of the school's aesthetic education in the new era; carrying forward the spirit of Chinese aesthetic education is the guiding principle of the school's aesthetics education in the new era; taking root in the life of the times is the method and path of the school's aesthetic education in the new era; following the characteristics of aesthetic education is the basic criterion of the school's aesthetic education in the new era. In addition, General Secretary Xi Jin-ping's important expositions on aesthetic education also exhibits distinct theoretical characteristics such as orientation, timeliness, scientificity and synergy, which provides a theoretical basis for establishing the practical direction of the school's aesthetic education in the new era.

收稿日期: 2020-09-28
基金项目: 中国教育科学研究院2020年度基本科研业务费专项资金项目《习近平关于美育的重要论述研究》(GYJ2020002)
