在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年1期《“可能”的语法特征及来源研究》
赵志强, 王冬梅
河北科技师范学院 文法学院, 河北 秦皇岛 066004
起止页码: 48--52页

Study on the Grammatical Features and Sources of “Keneng”
ZHAO Zhi-qiang, WANG Dong-mei
School of Humanity and Law, Hebei Normal University of Science & Technology, Qinhuangdao, Hebei 066004, China
The scope of the modal verb “Keneng” (may) is different in the sentence, which will also have a certain impact on the meaning of the proposition. When combined with adjectives, “Keneng” serves as the syntactic function of adverbial, which is often used in spoken language styles. “Keneng” comes from Chinese, and its meaning is related to two morphemes of “Ke” and “Neng”. “Keneng” is gradually solidified by verbal phrases and can be matched with adjectives. The grammatical function of “Keneng” is constantly expanding,and “Keneng” at the beginning of a sentence has an adverbial tendency
Key words: Keneng; scope; adverbial; style; source;

收稿日期: 2020-09-25
基金项目: 河北科技师范学院博士研究启动基金项目《情态动词与形容词的组配限制及教学研究》(2019YB028)

[13]Bybee,J. Perkins,R. and Pagliuca,W. The Evolution of Grammar[M].Chicago and London:The University of Chicago Press,1994.