在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年1期《远程教育教师实践性知识的个案研究》
河北广播电视大学, 河北 石家庄 050080
起止页码: 37--41页

A Case Study of Practical Knowledge of Distance Education Teachers
LONG Jiang-yan
Hebei Radio & TV University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050080, China
The practical knowledge is the knowledge which the teacher actually uses in the teaching process. The practical knowledge of distance education teachers can be divided into seven categories, among them, subject knowledge, adult teaching method knowledge and adult-oriented subject teaching method knowledge are more abundant than hybrid knowledge, subject online teaching method knowledge, online teaching knowledge and education information technology knowledge. The elder teachers pay more attention to the subject knowledge, the adult teaching method knowledge and the adult-oriented subject teaching method knowledge, but the young teachers pay more attention to the mixed knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out teacher training in a targeted manner, guide teachers to accumulate practical knowledge in teaching practice and teaching reflection, set up distance education majors in a timely manner, cultivate professional talents, and provide high-level and professional teachers for the development of distance education.

收稿日期: 2020-10-08
基金项目: 河北广播电视大学2019年立项课题《开放大学建设中远程教育教师实践性知识研究》(YB201907)

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