在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年1期《数据驱动背景下成人自适应学习系统模型分析》
白胜楠, 何磊
河北广播电视大学, 河北 石家庄 050080
起止页码: 33--36页

Analysis of Adult Adaptive Learning System Model under the Data Driven Background
BAI Sheng-nan, HE Lei
Hebei Radio & TV University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050080, China
With the deepening application of information technology in the education industry, various education fields have accumulated rich and huge amount of data. The data itself has evolved from the initial statistical analysis and decision support to the use of data to drive, adjust and optimize business development. The adaptive learning system is a learning system which takes data as the core in the collection, analysis and feedback, using deep learning and machine algorithm to continuously improve the characteristics of lifelong learning and online learning. In the current adult teaching mode, the emphasis is on adopting traditional or referencing general higher education teaching methods, procedures and models. In view of adult learning ability factors, emotional factors, environmental factors and actual needs, the establishment of multi-dimensional data model can drive the research and practice of adult adaptive learning mode, which is an effective way to optimize modern adult education models and improve adult learning effects.

收稿日期: 2020-10-16
基金项目: 河北广播电视大学2020年度科学研究基金项目《基于大数据分析的成人个性化学习模式研究》(WT202008)
