在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2021年1期《论教学质量因子设置及数据利用》
国家开放大学出版传媒集团, 北京 100039
起止页码: 22--29页

On the Setting of Teaching Quality Factors and Data Utilization
XU Jin-pei
The OUC Publishing & Communication Group, Beijing 100039, China
In order to ensure the teaching quality, open university has taken a variety of quality assurance measures for different student groups at different stages, and has achieved corresponding results. The teaching quality factors and its data release launched in 2009 are one of them. However, the practice in recent years shows that the effect of teaching quality factors and its data release is not as good as expected. This is fully proved by the analysis of the order rate data of the main textbook of the course. Therefore, the statistical data of teaching quality factors should be opened to accept the supervision of the whole society; third-party forces should be introduced to ensure the authority and fairness of the quality factors and their data; the teaching quality factors should be further optimized so that the release and use of the teaching quality factors and their data become a closed loop of control truly escorting the improvement of teaching quality of the open university.

收稿日期: 2020-09-10

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