在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2020年6期《案例问题教学法在法律类课程中的运用研究——以河北政法职业学院法律类课程教学为例》
王艳玲, 赵红星
河北政法职业学院, 河北 石家庄 050061
起止页码: 81--85页

Research on the Application of Case Problem Teaching Method in Legal Courses—Taking the Teaching of Legal Courses in Hebei Vocational College of Politics and Law as an Example
WANG Yan-ling, ZHAO Hong-xing
Hebei Vocational College of Politics and Law, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050061, China
In the teaching process of legal courses, cases are taken as carriers, and knowledge points to be mastered are integrated into cases. We hope to change the situation of students' passive learning in the past by showing cases, consulting data and discussing in groups, group presentation, group leader report, teachers summing up and answering questions, self-assessment by students and mutual assessment by groups, case extension and in-depth discussion. Through the above methods, students' initiative in autonomous learning is stimulated, team cooperation awareness is cultivated, and students' ability to analyze and solve problems is improved.

收稿日期: 2020-08-12
基金项目: 河北政法职业学院教改课题《案例问题教学法在法律类课程中的运用研究》(2018JG002)
