在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2020年6期《规章以下规范性文件附带审查之标准研究述评》
复旦大学 法学院, 上海 200438
起止页码: 76--80页

Literature Review of the Research on the Standards for Collateral Review of Normative Documents under the Regulations
LI Xing-jie
School of Law, Fudan University, Shanghai 200438, China
The review system of normative documents under the regulations has gone through two stages:the limited review stage according to the authority, the parallel stages of the limited review stage according to the authority and the colateral review upon application. The academic circles in China have put forward different views on the review criteria of this system, but the principle of legality review is the consensus of the theoretical and practical circles at present. The judicial interpretation issued and implemented in 2018 classifies the illegal elements of the review standards attached to normative documents as exceeding the limits of authority, violating the provisions of the upper law, adding obligations or derogation without basis, violating legal procedures and other circumstances. This regulation responds to academic discussion and judicial practice. China's judicial practice has further developed this review standard and raised some new questions.

收稿日期: 2020-09-24
