在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2020年6期《新时代开放大学教育教学改革的趋势与方向——基于教育政策的视角》
刘永权1, 刘占荣2
1. 国家开放大学 外语教学部, 北京 100039;
2. 国家开放大学 国际部, 北京 100039
起止页码: 20--27页
随着教育部颁布《国家开放大学综合改革方案》,开放大学教育教学改革进入了新的攻坚阶段。在党的十八大以来实施的“新时代高教40条” “职教20条” “网教18条”等教育方针政策的指导下,开放大学教育教学改革呈现新的特征并取得新的进展,但是又有很多问题亟待解决,对教育政策的准确把握正是解决这些问题的关键所在。在后疫情时代,开放大学要将危机变为转机,以成果产出为切入点,加强教育教学模式改革,不断深化自身能力建设和治理结构调整,建设切合需要的网络教学资源,探索网络教学规律和提高信息化应用能力,组建网络教学团队并理顺机制,改革现有的教学内容和课程体系,努力提高教育教学质量,用教育教学改革项目引领开放大学的发展。

Trends and Directions of Educational Reform of Open Universities in the New Era—From the Perspective of Educational Policies
LIU Yong-quan1, LIU Zhan-rong2
1. Faculty of Language and Culture, The Open University of China, Beijing 100039;
2. International Department, The Open University of China, Beijing 100039, China
With the promulgation of the National Comprehensive Reform Plan for the Open University of China by the Ministry of Education in 2020, the education reforms of the open universities (OUs) have entered a new stage. Under the guidance of a series of important education policies implemented since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the education reform of the OUs has shown new features and made new achievements. New progress has been made, but there are many issues that need to be addressed, and the understanding and employment of the education policies is the key to solving these problems. In the post-epidemic era, the OUs should turn the crisis into an opportunity, and take the period as the starting point, strengthen the reform of education and teaching mode, deepen its own capacity building and governance structure adjustment. The OUs should build e-learning resources to meet the needs, explore the law of online education and improve the teachers'ability of ICT application, set up online teaching teams and the mechanism, reform the existing teaching content and curriculum system, and strive to improve the quality of education, leading the development of the OUs with education and teaching reform projects.

收稿日期: 2020-09-29
基金项目: 国家开放大学《中国远程高等教育发展研究报告(2020)》
