在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2020年6期《近代天津面粉业发展述略》
天津社会科学院 历史研究所, 天津 300192
起止页码: 8--13页

A Brief Account of Modern Development of Tianjin Flour Industry
LIU Feng-hua
Institute of History, Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences, Tianjin 300191, China
Tianjin is one of the flour industry centers in North China in modern times. With the development of the domestic and international situation, the Tianjin flour industry before 1937 continued to integrate in terms of capital and production. Although the scale was small, it still formed a pattern with national capital flour industry as the main and Japanese flour industry as the supplement. In 1937, when Japan launched a full-scale invasion of China, on the one hand, the national funding flour mills were almost in the state of discontinued production due to war; on the other hand, the Japanese funding flour mills were experiencing abnormal prosperity and rapid development, as a result of a series of policies of controlling and consigned manufacturing made by the Japanese occupation authorities. Because of flour supply insufficient, wheat and flour were mainly imported from Shanghai and Australia before 1937, and then from Japan and Australia from 1937 to 1941, and exclusively from Japan after the Pacific War.

收稿日期: 2020-09-16
