在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2020年5期《韦斯·安德森电影中后现代主义倾向的时空观》
香港理工大学 中国文化学系, 中国 香港 999077
起止页码: 101--105页

The Space-time View of the Postmodernism Tendency in Wes Anderson's Films
XU Si-ran
Department of Chinese Culture, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong 999077, China
Wes Anderson has a distinctive film style as an author. In terms of time and space expression, he is deeply influenced by postmodernist philosophical trends, forming a deep and diversified restructuring feature. Within the multiple frames constructed by time, he uses different narrative media as the carrier of event retrospect, and uses fiction and authenticity to shape the emotional characteristics of characters. In terms of spatial expression, Anderson uses the "interstitial space" method to connect the "li" and "face" of the space, and interconnection of "individual" and "whole", exploring the emotional communication and emotional symbiosis between individuals in the spatial dimension, so as to form a unique expression that is both playful and warm.

收稿日期: 2020-07-13

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