在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2020年4期《浅议英汉隐喻应用异同及互译策略》
宿迁学院 外国语学院, 江苏 宿迁 223800
起止页码: 55--58页
关键词: 英汉 隐喻 应用 互译

On the Similarities and Differences of Application of English and Chinese Metaphors and Strategies of Mutual Translation
TANG Xiu-mei
Department of Foreign Languages, Suqian College, Suqian, Jiangsu 223800, China
Metaphoric rhetoric is applied in both English and Chinese languages. Metaphor contains three elements: the ontology, the metaphorical objects and the connotation of metaphor. Comparing the application of English and Chinese metaphors from the perspective of metaphoric objects and connotation, it is found that they are affected by factors such as geography, culture, history, and ways of thinking. There are some similarities and differences in the application of metaphor. It mainly involves four sorts: both the metaphorical objects and the connotation of metaphor are the same, only the metaphorical objects are the same, only the connotation of metaphor are the same, and both of them have its own metaphor sentence. In mutual translation, it is necessary to respect the common laws and cultural characteristics of the two languages, mainly to faithfully express the original intention, while taking into account the original expression style and adopting a flexible way to translate.

收稿日期: 2020-05-27
