在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2020年2期《终身学习视域下的文创人才培养模式新思考》
北京开放大学 人文社科学院, 北京 100081
起止页码: 31--36页

New Thoughts on the Cultivation Model of Cultural and Creative Talents from the Perspective of Lifelong Learning
ZHAO Chao-feng
College of Arts and Social Science, Beijing Open University, Beijing 100081, China
The idea of lifelong learning is very compatible with the self development of cultural and creative talents, because creative personality determines that cultural and creative talents have the characteristics of "lifelong learners", "selfcultivator" and "high performer". The effectiveness of cultural creative talents training mode is to promote the strength of the government, universities, enterprises and cultural creative talents to form a joint force on these characteristics. Three training principles should be followed and three implementation strategies should be constructed in order to achieve the goal of improving the quality of training.

收稿日期: 2020-02-13
基金项目: 北京开放大学创新团队课题《终身教育视野下的文创人才培养研究——以北京市为例》

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