在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2020年1期《“五四”时代影响下的文学碰撞与精神统一——浅谈“五四”新式短篇小说与传统长篇章回体小说之辨》
北京大学 外国语学院, 北京 100871
起止页码: 44--48页

Literary Collision and Spiritual Unification under the Influence of the “May 4th” Era——Discussion on the Distinction between the May 4th New-style Short Stories and Traditional Novels
School of Foreign Languages, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
The "May 4th" period was a fierce collision between the new and the old, and a rapid jump in cognition. Literary practitioners used their pen to reflect the social situation at that time and portrayed the life of the people. Since Lu Xun's Diary of the Madman, the historical position of the new and old literary forms has been destined to undergo a process of opposition and unification. In fact, the new and the old are two concepts that cannot make an absolute distinction. In the history of Chinese modern and contemporary literature, the enlightenment writers with Lu Xun as the banner tried their best to break through the old ones and constantly explore new ideas and expressions. The practitioners of popular literature represented by Zhang Hen-shui tried to explore the fusion of tradition and modernity, discarding traditional literature forms. Judging from the overall process of literary development, whether it is the rapid development of new things or the development and evolution of old things, it is the inheritance and development of the spiritual source of the unity of Chinese culture. It's just that different literary creators have different search processes, but they all have the same goal and are all contributing to the continuous development of modern Chinese literature.

收稿日期: 2019-12-16
