在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2020年1期《成人教育法律专业职业化改革的理论与实践》
马蒂, 谭睿娟, 韩雪
四川广播电视大学, 四川 成都 610073
起止页码: 32--39页

On the Theory and Practice of the Professional Teaching Reform of Law Major in Adult Higher Education
Ma Di, TAN Rui-juan, HAN Xue
Sichuan Radio & TV University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610073, China
Adult diploma education has a strong general education and theoretical teaching imprint since its inception. Its development is not only inconsistent with the current national education policy orientation, but also in conflict with the in-service characteristics and learning mode of the training targets. Its school running orientation is wavering between regular higher education and vocational education. There is a shortage of special features, a sharp decline in social praise, an extremely shrinking living space, which needs an urgent teaching reform. According to Sichuan's economic and social development trends and the professional orientation of the legal affairs specialty, talents at the junior college level should be targeted at compound and cross-cutting junior talents. Course teaching content should be further practical. Micronized, convenient and applied adjustments to teaching resource design, test pattern and content should be made according to the learning characteristics of adult learners. Although the professional teaching reform of law affairs junior level has revealed problems such as weak practice links and fragile teaching quality assurance systems, it can still provide useful references for the next step in the exploration of the teaching reform of law undergraduates, such as insisting on the equal attention to both practicality and theoretical knowledge of training objectives, how to further professionalize the construction of curriculum content, realize the diversification of comprehensive practical assessment methods and that professionalization and humanity complement each other.

收稿日期: 2019-12-05
基金项目: 四川广播电视大学重点教改项目《法律专业课程体系及内容建构职业化的理论与实践》(XMKYC2018002Z)

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