在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2020年1期《北洋时期的报刊与社会动员——以《益世报》为中心的考察》
张献忠, 王晓靓
天津师范大学, 天津 300387
起止页码: 1--8页

Newspapers and Social Mobilization in the Beiyang Period——A Survey Centered on Yi Shi Bao
ZHANG Xian-zhong, WANG Xiao-liang
Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300387, China
The Beiyang period was an important period for the development of modern Chinese newspapers and periodicals, and it was also a key period for China's social transformation. Social movements in the modern sense emerged during this period. Social mobilization is an important content of social movements. In a situation of internal political turmoil and violations of the sovereignty of external countries, patriots and related organizations in social movements often use the public opinion of newspapers to mobilize their society. As a representative newspaper in this period, Yi Shi Bao reported various political and social events in time, and published commentary articles, which guided the development of the social movement to a wider area, and also shaped the nation-state consciousness of the people. In the important events such as the Lao Xikai incident, the May 4th Movement, and the May 30 Massacre, the social mobilization role played by Yi Shi Bao was particularly prominent.

收稿日期: 2019-12-10
基金项目: 天津市“五个一批”人才资助项目《社团组织、公共空间与社会动员》(52WJ1884)
