在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2019年6期《新媒体新技术与高校思政课融合的实践与思考——以“雨课堂”的应用为例》
冯雪梅, 温瑞
河北医科大学, 河北 石家庄 050017
起止页码: 81--85页

Practice and Thoughts on the Integration of New Media and New Technology with College Ideological and Political Courses——Taking the Application of “Rain Classroom” as an Example
FENG Xue-mei, WEN Rui
Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050017, China
In the "internet +" era, the application of new media and new technologies to ideological and political teaching is the general trend. The "Rain Classroom" software is a smart teaching tool launched by Tsinghua University in this context. its wide application effectively solves some problems in the current ideological and political courses in colleges and universities. Teachers of ideological and political education should fully understand this trend, deeply understand the purpose of the integration of new media and new technology and ideological and political courses, and accurately grasp the convergence of new media and new technology and ideological and political courses, so as to achieve the deep and effective integration of the two.

收稿日期: 2019-09-03
基金项目: 河北医科大学教育教学研究项目《新媒体新技术环境下高校思政课堂教学优化研究》(2018PY-26)

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