在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2019年5期《大学中文专业学生英语词汇磨蚀研究》
山西大同大学 大同师范分校, 山西 大同 037039
起止页码: 81--84页

Study on English Vocabulary Abrasion of Chinese Major Undergraduate Students
ZHANG Lin-ming
Datong Normal College, Datong University, Datong, Shanxi 037039, China
Vocabulary is an important part of the English language, and vocabulary abrasion directly affects the effective acquisition of English. The cancellation of the English course in the last two years of the Chinese major students at university directly leads to the emergence and formation of vocabulary abrasion. The vocabulary abrasion of the students above CET-4 is slow, and for the students below CET-4 is faster. Vocabulary abrasion actually affects students' successful passing of the CET-4 and postgraduate entrance examinations. For Chinese major students in the last two years at university, it is necessary to add English course so as to cultivate students' interest in English learning and create an English context to effectively alleviate the vocabulary abrasion of students.

收稿日期: 2019-07-02
基金项目: 山西大同大学重点教学研究项目《混合学习环境下大学英语教师教学技能现状调查及对策研究——以山西大同大学为例》(XJG2018228)
