在线阅读 --河北开放大学学报 2019年5期《新时代成人学历继续教育质量提升研究》
国家开放大学 政法学院, 北京 100039
起止页码: 34--37页

On the Quality Improvement of Adult Continuing Diploma Education in the New Era
ZHOU Lian-bing
School of Political Science and Law, The Open University of China, Beijing 100039, China
Adult continuing diploma education plays an important role in the new era. However, its quality can not fully meet the requirements of the new era. The main reasons are that the specialty construction still needs to be further highlighted, the students' learning behavior needs to be improved, the financial investment is relatively insufficient, and the lack of effective external constraints. In the new environment, measures should be taken to continuously improve the quality of adult continuing diploma education. Firstly, it should form a cooperative management subjective network of government and society; secondly, it should form a scientific and effective quality evaluation mechanism; thirdly, it should take multiple measures to improve the level of funding guarantee for adult continuing education; fourthly, it should firmly establish the consciousness of moral cultivation, strengthen moral education and improve students' learning motivation.

收稿日期: 2019-08-06
基金项目: 中国成人教育协会"十三五"成人教育科研规划2017年度课题《新时代成人学历继续教育培养质量治理研究》(2017-142Y)
