张立志, 牛芳芳
安徽外国语学院, 安徽 合肥 231201
起止页码: 87--91页
Promoting Moral Education in Private Colleges and Universities by Relying on Excellent Chinese Traditional Culture
ZHANG Li-zhi, NIU Fang-fang
Anhui International Studies University, Hefei, Anhui 231201, China
Students in private colleges and universities have many problems, such as shortage of sense of responsibility for society, lack of awareness of civilized etiquette, lack of honesty and trustworthiness, and weakness of cultural and moral foundation. The reason can be analyzed from three levels:at the school level, moral education is not solid enough; at the teacher-student level, moral education is very difficult; at the family and social levels, the task of moral education is arduous. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the curriculum construction, giving full play to the main role of the classroom; strengthen the training of the teaching staff, giving full play to the leading role of teachers; reinforce the guidance of student associations and actively expand the new front of moral education; strengthen the system construction and strive to provide guarantee for moral education.
收稿日期: 2019-05-28
基金项目: 安徽外国语学院重点研究课题《中国优秀传统文化融入民办高校大学生思想政治教育对策研究》(AWSZ 2018003)
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