李亚红, 段贵珠
邯郸广播电视大学, 河北 邯郸 056000
起止页码: 48--51页
Investigation Report on Comprehensive Professional Competence of Accounting Majors in Open Education
LI Ya-hong, DUAN Gui-zhu
Handan Radio & TV University, Handan, Hebei 056000, China
With the continuous advancement of China's science and technology and the improvement of the level of economic development, the unit's quality requirements for employees have evolved from focusing on the professional competence of employees to the comprehensive professional ability of employees. In order to meet the needs of the unit for accounting talents, open education should strengthen students' comprehensive vocational ability training of accounting majors, strengthen the curriculum, teaching forms, teacher strength reform, and improve the comprehensive vocational ability of students.
收稿日期: 2019-06-07
基金项目: 中国职业技术教育学会工作委员会、教材工作委员会2017—2018年度教学改革与教材建设立项课题《开放教育会计专业学生综合职业能力培养研究》(1710235)
[1]黄志荣. 《在半工半读模式下培养学生综合职业能力的研究与实践》课题开题报告[EB/OL]. http://www.360doc.com/content/11/0820/19/395329_141998290.shtml, 2011-08-20.
[2]大学生职业能力调查问卷(会计相关专业)[EB/OL].https://wenku.baidu.com/view/289f8630a2161479171128c6.html, 2013-09-04.
[3]李亚红, 张嘉伟. 开放教育会计专业学生基本职业能力调研报告[J]. 中国市场, 2016(9).